Monday, February 28, 2011

Pitter Patters of the ♥

Dad I Love You.

Much over due but very necessary. This past Valentine's Day (yes I quite aware its been over a month, my apologies) I decided to extend my love and gratitude to my father. One of the hardest working men I have ever known. I love him dearly, appreciate everything he has done, and sacrificed to support me and our family. I know my dad isn't always remembered and I feel he isn't given nearly enough love. I just wanted him to know that he is always in my heart and I love him more than he can imagine. So please enjoi the sweet little card I surprised my daddy with ♥.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

To You From Me

From the Heart.

This I'm aware is a bit dated but I thought it was still worthy of sharing.
About a month ago on MLK Day my very good friend Kevin Luong from Kevin Luong Illustration and I decided to take on a special mission.

For those of you who are unfamiliar I spent the last three months interning at a printing company.During our last month we decided to give a little back to those less fortunate.The mission was to create one hundred brown bag lunches to give to the homeless people down in skid row.

I'm sure we are familiar with the common brown bag lunch, and how plain it can be.So Kevin and I decided to spice things up a bit. I had this idea that once these people received there homemade lunches they would eat it and then have nothing left to remind them of the day.Sure they would have their memory of it but I wanted to go that extra mile and make that much more special.I thought if they had something tangible, something they could keep in memory then it would achieve just that.I went a step further and decided it would mean even more if it was handmade.So in result I decided to make one hundred individual tags all watercolored in different shades saying enjoy.I wanted to remind those who received the lunches that there are people out there that still care.
I shared this special vision with Kevin and he helped me achieve just that.

One Hundred, Personalized, Handmade Tag for each of the lunches sent out.
Enjoi :)

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Drip dribble and drop

What wonderful sounds and some of the most intimidating. A few semesters ago I decided to do a bit of experimenting, only problem was it was going to be a bit of a stretch for me. Majority of my work, actually all of my work is done in watercolor. I've always been attracted to the light shades and variations you can get using transparencies and laying colors upon colors. It's just such and attractive quality to have and it definitely gives a feel for that delicateness and subtle airiness, which I absolutely love. But to kinda offset it I decided to give a go at inking. So here are a few of my collaborations with the material and well I have to say i've rather enjoyed it and hope to incorporate it more! So take a look and enjoi.

Spring 2010

Fall 2010

Spring 2011

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Looking Back

Where do we belong?

Greetings wizards and warriors oh yes and lets also not forget the occasional damsel in distress! If it's not in the life I live in now or other worlds sprouted from my pure imagination I find myself wondering where exactly is there room for me? Last semester I painted a mini series that helped me discover just that, all self portraits I choose to depict the places I feel most a part of, where I belong. Once I finished I chose to share these with a few selective group of friends that helped me achieve just that. So please have a look and enjoi.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Let the curious adventure begin!

Hello everyone and welcome to the curious world of kina.

I'm really just here to share a bit of my world with anyone who's interested
family, friends, acquaintances or any of those who randomly stumble upon this blog.* But any who, expect to see lots of artwork fun co-labs and random happenings. Thanks again for stopping by and and please enjoi :)

*(kinda like when you run into someone because you weren't paying attention to where you were walking, yeaa kinda like that)