Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I'm sitting here

Watching the wheels go round and round.
So it seems and feels. Time has just been flying by and yet I find myself staring off into the distance. I simply have just lost track of time
and have had some trouble managing what's left of my semester at California State University Northridge. To those who are unaware I grad
uate in May, weeeeeeeeeee. So it's about time to crack down and get some work done. With a website up in the making I've also taken a side project of making my business cards. Thats right MAKING my business cards. As if I didn't have enough on my shoulders. But that is what I do best, working under pressure! So please take a look and enjoi :]

Monday, March 7, 2011

Project 1

My first attempt at etching!

I have finally made it in the class with the heavy weights of CSUN illustration. This semester's illustration class is a bit different. Along with the illustration 2 students, such as myself, there are also the mighty illustration 3 students mixed into the class. This definitely sets up the playing field with extremely high standards. Despite that I continue trucking on through.

For our first project we selected two words out of a hat, mine being sculptural and belonging. Using these two words we then had to illustrate them together. I did some research and came up with several ideas for my words. When I thought of belonging I felt belonging is something very personal, we all strive to belong somewhere but it takes time to grow and develop within each and every single one of us in order to truly feel and find our place. Sculptural, I used as sculpting that process of belonging. All though it refers more to three dimensional space I chose to go about it a bit more abstractly. Unfortunately, my execution wasn't as clean as I had hope for but I will definitely be giving it a bit more attention. For now here is the result. Enjoi.